so you’ve signed people up for your rewards program – now what?

you’ve been working hard to sign up customers to your fivestars rewards program—now, make sure you really reap the benefits with these three steps (don’t worry, they’re pretty simple).

1. check-ins for the win

having your customer check in to your program by entering their phone number is key to driving high results. each time customers check in, you’ll learn a little more about them and deepen their relationship with your business. best of all, they’ll get excited and inspired to come back again and again by seeing their points in action.

making sure that everyone checks in to your fivestars rewards program seems pretty obvious, but you’ll be amazed by how often small business owners miss this crucial opportunity. here are some helpful tips to drive your check-ins:

engage your employees. employees are at the front lines, and their participation is critical in ensuring that fivestars is performing at its peak. how familiar are they with your rewards? are they reminding your customers to sign up and sign in? consider adding a simple question, like “do you have any rewards with us today?” to the checkout process for all transactions. check out more tips here to engage your employees.

make it visible. a few visuals can go a long way in keeping your rewards program top-of-mind for your customers. if you use a customer touchscreen, consider its placement. is it easy for your customers to see (and access) when they’re checking out? having a few signs (eg. “sign up for our fivestars rewards program to unlock offers and rewards”) throughout your store can add an extra level of familiarity and interest. 

want a fivestars custom display like the one shown here? contact our support team.

2. send a promotion to drive more foot traffic

the fivestars promotions tool can drive a flood of foot traffic into your store, so don’t be afraid to use it! it allows you to schedule one-time promotions in advance if you know you’re coming up on a slow day, or you can create and send out a spur-of-the-moment deal when the inspiration strikes you.  and don’t forget about holidays— both traditional staples like halloween and fanciful new occasions like national drink wine day present perfect opportunities for a promotion.

you can also send a promotion to just your inactive customers – these are customers who joined the program, but you haven’t seem them come back in a while. a promotion can spark their interest again, bringing you back customers who would have otherwise been lost.

3. change up your offers to keep interest from going stale

if you’re a few months or more into your fivestars program, trying out new deals and offers is a great way to keep your customers’ attention. it can also reveal some useful insights about the kinds of offers that your customers find most enticing.

by now, your loyal customers have already redeemed your first and second tiers of rewards. introduce new rewards for your lower-level tiers, which can inspire more visits and purchases.

you’ve likely sent out your growth autopilot to most of your loyal customers as well. to keep them engaged, consider a refresh. we suggest offering something completely different than your current offer, or making it more aggressive.

it’s a good idea to review the performance of your offers frequently (which you can do on your dashboard). if your overall results are low, consider making your deals a little more generous. an easy way to tell if an offer is doing well is to look for the green thumbs up, which will tell you if the offer is performing better than the industry average.

in short, with just a little bit of tending to, your fivestars program can yield even bigger and better results for your business. in particular, the simple step of making sure your customers check in when they’re at the checkout will ensure that your program thrives.

shruti swamy
about the author
shruti swamy

shruti is a writer for fivestars. she loves books, bikes, and cats, basically in that order.

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